This is just a quick how-to on the bases I’m making for my Sisters of Battle. They’re pretty simple, as I wanted a minimalist color scheme that wouldn’t pull attention away from the models, but I did want something that would elevate them off the bases since their capes come down pretty far. As you…
Thundrik’s Profiteers
Kharadron dwarves are always a challenge for me as there’s a lot of details on them which on its own is a huge time suck but they can also be tricky to paint well for the table. Detailed models look great up close but if you’re playing with them those details can get a bit…
Spindle Drones | Blackstone Fortress
So I wanted to keep the color scheme somewhat close to what the box art looks like, this is just a very slight twist. The main ‘trick’ to this particular paint scheme was to do a wash of Carroburg Crimson over Eshin Grey then do edge highlights and weathering in Daemonette Hide. For people that…